The concept of the “power of yet” emphasizes growth and improvement over time. Adding “yet” to statements like “I can’t do this” suggests that with perseverance and effort, achievements are possible. Research shows that this strategy can be a simple and accessible tool for individuals to seek solutions.
The Power of Yet Poster is designed to promote a growth mindset by featuring sample statements that incorporate the word “yet.” Sample statements include “I don’t know yet” and “This doesn’t work yet.” The poster uses easy-to-read fonts and calming colors to make it suitable for display in various settings like offices, classrooms, or homes.
Embracing the idea that success is a journey allows kids and teens to develop a can-do attitude. As a helpful tip, they can engage in activities like setting small goals and celebrating small wins to maintain their motivation. Feel free to check out our SMART Goals handout as an accompanying resource.
*This item is an instant digital download. A link to download your files will be emailed to you once payment is confirmed.
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- Anderson, E. (2020). Utilizing the Growth Mindset to Boost Perseverance and Academic Achievement (Thesis, Concordia University, St. Paul). Retrieved from - Von Bergen, C. W. & Bressler, M. (2020). Utilizing the Power of Yet. Journal of Behavioral Studies in Business. 12.